Welcome! My name's Aleksandra Pakuła, and I'm a high school student/future designer living in Warsaw, Poland. I love to travel, to go shopping, to bake delicious cakes, to have fun with my friends and family; however, I am passionate about designing clothes.
In 2011 in the middle school was organized the competition for design and a presentetion an outfit that you created. That was my first experience with polish designers.
In 2013 I took part in the competiton in Lublin for young designers - Young Fashion Day. My work has been awarded, but that is not enought for me :) I am going to take part in it once again in fallowing year.
Last year I went to USA for 10 months as an exchange student. I was living in Michigan. You can read about my experience on this blog - USA I'm coming!
In the future I would like to study designing clothes in Great Britain.
JolliFiers is the site where everyone can find something for themselves. I want to share with people how I see the world, and what am I designing.